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The Industrial Revolution pushed civilization forward dramatically. The technological innovations achieved allowed us to build bigger cities, get richer and construct a standard of life never before seen and hardly imagined. Subsequent political agendas and technological innovations have pushed civilization up above Nature resulting in a disconnect. The environmental consequences though are leaving the Earth moribund. In this blog, I'm exploring the idea that integrating computational technology into environmental systems will be the answer to the aftermath of industry.

Above drawing is by Phung Hieu Minh Van, a student at the Architectural Association.

Saturday, 28 December 2013

The Internet of Things

To follow my previous post which talked about the vast improvements in computer power over the last decade here I would like to tackle the issue of connecting all these devices together. To do this I'm mainly going to draw on two sources.

The first is written by Khan et al. and entitled 'Future Internet: The Internet of Things Architecture, Possible Applications and Key Changes'. It was published as part of the 2012 10th Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology. It provides a great overview of the IoTs and its future. The second is a workshop paper by Ali and Abu-Elkheir entitled 'Data Management for the Internet of Things: Green Directions'. It comes from a 2012 IEEE conference 'Green Internet of Things'. Despite being a fairly technical paper I've chosen it because it highlights one of the major problems of ubiquitous computing, namely that its going to demand to huge amount of energy! It stresses the need for (and proposes) efficient and sustainable solutions to this problem so that we can have all the benefits the the IoTs will bring without bringing about crippling environmental change.

So, what is the Internet of Things?

It sounds like corporate jargon but really its definition is quite specific. Ali and Abu-Elkheir (2012) define it as:

a networking paradigm that exploits data capture and communication capabilities to link the volume growth of sensors, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags, and smart objects directly to the internet. The ultimate purpose of IoT is to provide a standard platform for developing cooperative services and applications capable of harnessing the collective power of information and resources available through the individual "Things" and systems managing the aforementioned Things.

What this means its that it is the process of connecting all sorts of objects to the internet and letting them communicate with each-other. Khan et al. (2012) writes:

Thus, IoT provides connectivity for everyone and everything. The IoT embeds some intelligence in Internet connected objects to communicate, exchange information, take decisions, invoke actions and provide amazing services.

This is why is also called ubiquitous computing. By now almost all desktop computers, laptops, tablets, smart phones etc. are connected to the internet. In a few years time this will happen for cars, televisions even smoke detectors. Khan gives a simple schematic as an example:
The generic IoT senario (Source: Khan et. al. 2012)

.... but of course this could and will include of sorts of other things like I've been exploring in this blog like dams, roads, and observation satellites. So this is what the internet will look like a few years time indeed it is already beginning to take this form but what are the problems inhibiting the growth of this sort of things? Well, there are many but I want to focus here on one in particular. It's one of the largest, if not the largest: energy efficiency.

The IoT can be described as having 3 components: hardware, software and data. For the most part the hardware to do this already exists so that's not the problem. The software may not yet be written but its certainly not an huge barrier to write it: we have the technology with the latest high-level programming languages and the people (and money) to get it written. Ali and Abu-Elkheir (2012) stress that data is the issue.

IoT data is different from previously collected, stored and processed data in that it is ...

'a massive volume of heterogeneous, streaming and geographically-dispersed real-time data ... created by million [or billions] of diverse devices periodically sending observations about certain monitored phenomena or reporting the occurrence of certain or abnormal events of interest' (Ali and Abu-Elkheir, 2012).

So there is a huge problem of energy consumption. Storing data requires alot of energy and the explosion of data will result in an explosion in energy requirements. Just take a look at how keen Google are to stress how efficient their data centers are:

and take a look at their website - here.

So what are the issues here? Well there need to be (and there is!) research undertaken and conversations begun about what information should be recorded. Of course this also ties the other huge problem of implementing the IoT: privacy. To read up on this debate check out the guardian's piece here. This is an art and not a science and will evolve as sentiment and political powers evolve - but there is a clear environmental constraint here - we simply cannot record everything as we just dont have the energy to do that!

On a more technical side there are things we can do to improve the systems. There is also intense research here and Ali and Abu-Elkheir (2012) outline the four major fields of trends: the development of efficient indexing schemes, scalable archiving, localized data-centric storage, and migrating data to the cloud. Whilst the technical aspect of these may be lost to you reading this (they are on me) they make some general sense in what they're trying to achieve:

Efficient Indexing ~ being able to find things in the data quickly by good labelling,

Scalable archiving ~ putting things in the right place like things that will be used lots somewhere quick and easy to get to and visa versa,

Localized data-centric storage ~ understanding the geographies of data and its usage,

Migrating data to the cloud ~ removing the geographies of data in a clever way,

One other thing that this paper highlights is the life cycle of data - not all things need to be kept forever - but some do!

The point to be made here is that there is a clear need to further analysis and address the issue of the energy efficiency of the IoT otherwise it wont be possible and we'll continue to put the planet's environmental systems under stress. But there are lots of routes to explore for improvements so we have reason to be hopeful!


So in this post I've tried to introduce and flesh out the Internet of Things. Khan et al. (2012) sum things up nicely:

The IoT embeds intelligence in the sensor devices to autonomously communicate, exchange information and take intelligent decisions. Simply, IoT transitions human-human communication to human-human, human-device and device-device communication.
When this is taken along side development in computational power (see previous post on Moore's law) and in context of integrating these technologies in with the natural world, I hope I have had even the smallest amount of success in conveying how exciting the coming decades promise to be!

Monday, 23 December 2013

Bringing technology away from the human and into the natural.

In writing this blog one of the most considerable barriers that I feel I have been up against is an lack of a coherent literature. Very few papers, articles, other blogs, etc. deal with the same problem as I have framed it. This is, in part, a fault of my own. Perhaps it would be more useful to engage in existing debates and try to lead them into new directions than starting a new ones. Nonetheless, I feel that I have had some success in formulating the boundaries of my discussion even if it has resulting in me having to search harder for germane sources. Despite this, I do feel that the debate as to whether to allow unfettered integration of computational technology with the natural environment is an important one - indeed one that will effect the future of life on earth as much as perhaps anything else. What the lack of coherent discussion around this topic suggests to me is there is a problem. A problem that is undoubtedly larger and more systematic than this individual instance but that regardless needs elaboration in this context.

The nonexistence of discussion here will result in two fundamentally damaging problems: inaction and the wrong action. The first is perhaps more self explanatory but also less significant and realistic.  By not doing anything we miss out on huge potential benefits but as there are lots of examples of projects of computational integrate this is not really the problem here. The second, action of the 'wrong' sort is more important (at least as I see things). By not communally and systematically analyzing what's happening on all spatial (right down from the microscale of individual rivers for example to the planetary e.g. monitoring via satellites) and temporal (e.g. disposable, instantaneous action to projects implemented for longevity) we are opening ourselves up for damage. Whilst the implications of this are multitudinous and therefore require a great deal more attention than I can direct toward them in this work I will list a few examples to try to convey clearer my point.

    a) that projects that do get implemented are likely to suit particular interests, probably the interest of people with money.

    b) they will also probably be limited as a result of these interests and financial and other constraints.

    c) projects will likely be incompatible with each other and therefore we will miss out of great opportunities for some hugely valuable work and action.

    d) there will be considerable overlap in projects and therefore considerable waste of resources.

 I want to stress the immediacy of this debate, and to do this I going to discuss a paper from 1965. Gordon Moore, the CEO of Intel wrote a paper called ' Cramming More Components onto Integrated Circuits'. It looks at trends of technology and makes some predictions about the future. With remarkable accuracy he see how things will turn out. This paper is most famous for Moore's observation that the power of computers doubles roughly every 18 months. This is now referred to as Moore's Law.

In one particularly prophetic quote Moore says:

Integrated electronics will make electronic techniques more generally available throughout all of society, performing many functions that presently are done inadequately by other techniques or not done at all. 

This relates exactly to what I have been attempting to confront in this blog. Now after 50 years we've gone from a time when silicon transistors didn't exist to one now when we can put over 1.7 billion one chip! What Moore skims around but doesn't directly confront, even in an interview in 2005 about the paper and advances, is the form these changes take. I see can see two potential stages. The first, the 1965 to 2010 is the advance in computational technology to bring it to individuals. For example, the widespread adoption of laptops and smartphones. The next step is a complete overhaul of infrastructure etc. to incorporate this technology.

To make this even more interesting is the context of the implications of climate change. The energy efficiency of computers colours this debate nicely. In a 2011 paper, 'Implications of Historical Trends in the Electrical Efficiency of Computing', Koomey et al. make a similar empirical observation to Moore's Law. The electrical efficiency of computation has doubled roughly every year and half for more than six decades. Why is this relevant? Well, industrial infrastructure has historically been hugely energy inefficient with hugely losses in the form of heat, sound and kinetic energy. This scales badly such that huge structures (e.g. factories) are hugely inefficient. In contrast, the efficiency of computational infrastructure is getting to be hugely efficiency and scales up very well.

So what am I trying to get across in this post? Well two things: 1) that there has been very little discussion directly focused towards this topic and this could have hugely damaging effects and 2) that this is time to act. Things are changing so quickly and for the better. We are at the end of the first stage of the technological revolution -  we should now formally and together enter the second, bringing technology away from the human and into the natural

There is alot of talk about whether Moore's law will continue into the future. The way computer power has increased in the past in by making components smaller and smaller. Soon chips will be so small that they will reach limitations: when they are 5 atoms thick (which they probably will be in about 10 years time) quantum effects such as tunneling will prevent further advances. Thus silicon chips can only get better by so much. There are other chips possible such as those made out of DNA and using quantum mechanics but these are so way in the future. What ever the case, we now have technology with huge unreleased potential for improving global environments.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Lessons learnt from high frequency trading

After all the posts and reading I have done over the last few months around this topic, I would say things have changed. Whilst still an absolute proponent of integrating computational technology into the natural world, my understanding of this field has undoubtedly become much more nuanced. Whilst thinking about how I was going to put this forward in a new post I came across a useful analogous situation. In this post my aim is to try to illustrate the imperative to remain human controls on automated systems. I'm going to do this by exploring the damage caused by algorithmic trading to the global financial system.

Whilst the financial system is in its entirety anthropogenic, a socio-political-economic construction, I believe from this arena lessons can emerge that are broadly applicable to natural systems.

I would also like to make the caveat at the outset that my understanding of economics is limited such that this post is written by a layman not an expert. If I say, infer or imply anything incorrect, I would appreciate being corrected.

According to this article in Business Weekly, high frequency trading (HFT) has its roots in 1989 with Jim Hawkes, a statistics professor at the University of Charleston, his recently graduated student Steve Swanson and David Whitcomb, a finance professor at Rutgers University. They founded a company called Automated Trading Desk (ATD) that hardwired algorithms for predicting the future prices on the stock market. They taped a data beam with a small satellite dish on a garage and soon they were predicting stock prices in 30 to 60 seconds. This was much faster than any of the humans doing the same job were at the stock exchanges. Fast forward to 2006, and ATD was trading 700 million to 800 million stocks a day - meaning that they represented upwards of 9% of all the US stock market volume.

HFT became so successful because it is both faster at predicting prices than humans and it is also more accurate. It can then additionally act upon these results much faster, pushing trades through at breakneck speeds. In the 17 years between 1989 and 2006 HFT became practiced by a number of other firms, most notably Getco, Knight Capital Group and Citadel. By 2010, it had become somewhat of a standard practice in the city, with greedy interested parties sweating to operate with the most efficient algorithms possible and the fastest connections to the exchanges. Firms were paying big money to be centimeters closer to processors - saving them valuable milliseconds. 

This graph shows the monumental rise of HFT in both the US (red) and Europe (blue). In 2009, HFT represented around 65% of shared traded in the US. World Exchanges (the source of this data) doesn't give an reason as to whether the 2005 - 2007 had no HFT in Europe or whether it is a lack of data. However, even in Europe, in 2009 represented 40% of the stock market. A phenomenal rise to fame.

A) HFT market share in the US (Number of shares traded). B) HFT market share in Europe (value traded). Replotted from World Exchanges.

Despite these huge success, the most notable feature of these graphs is what? What happened in 2009-2010 and after to quell the growth of HFT as a practice? When talking about HFT there are two infamous examples of how it can go wrong.

 The first is known as the 'flash crash'.  On the 6th of May 2010, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the index for the US stock markets, dropped by 9% in the course of about 30 minutes. This is the largest intra-day point decline in the history of the index. Whilst the true causes of this crash are subject to a certain amount of speculation it is concretely true that HFT was the significant driver, or mechanism, through which prices dropped so rapidly.

However, because there were so many conflicting explanatory theories surrounding the flash crash event, HFT remained relatively popular and wide-spread. It did though cease to grow. It was last year, 2012, that something happened to really bring HFT under the microscope.

In the course of 45 minutes, Knight Capital Group, one of the leading market markets practicing HFT, lost $465 million. For some reason there was a bug in there code so their algorithm was buying at high prices and selling cheaply --> i.e. the opposite of a sensible trading strategy.  Whilst isolated this would be damaging but not fatal, its was situated right in the middle of the most competitive markets. Other firms algorithms sniffed out this bug and then traded extensively to exploit it. The result? Knight Capital Group lost more money in 45 minutes than it had made the year before.

So, what does all this have to do with computationally controlling and monitoring the environment? Well, fundamentally its a cautionary tale. This systems that we are implementing have huge power and influence over human lives. Just as the stock market taking a plunge can have tragic consequences on for individuals so could traffic control, or dam control, or power station control, or irrigation control, or pesticide control etc. etc. ad infinitum.

The clear imperative is to test them to security beyond a shadow of a doubt but is this enough. The programmes are many thousands or millions of lines of code. They have the capacity to behave in a highly non-linear fashion. The clear message that is emerging to me is that beyond integrated, yet still automatic, safeguard, human operators still need to oversee these operations and this is supported by empirical evidence.

In an 2012 paper 'High Frequency Trading and Mini Flash Crashes', Golub et al. find after looking at a range of financial data that problems with HFT result from the regulation frameworks that it operates in. In should be noted however that this paper stands out from the rest of the literature in this conclusion (other work implying that there are inherent stability issues in HFT). Either way the broader implications are clear: we must understand the behavior of the systems we implement and we must operate and regulate them properly.

So this means that we will never live in an idyllic utopia where farming, power production, transport infrastructure, natural hazards are all automatically dealt with be servers ticking over in cooled data centers whilst each and every human can really focus on lives pleasures (whatever that means...). Its this a shame? I don't think so. These systems do provide us with a huge increase in efficiency and they are very fast however past events have resulted in a lost of trust to such an extent that skepticism might always remain. We have seen how fast mistakes can propagate.

Friday, 29 November 2013

Some statistics relating to global internet usage.

Following on from the last post, this post is going to be about availability of computational equipment for both organisational and individual purposes. Having already explored an example (of which there are many more) where a place's position on the globe and their environment inhibit the adoption of computational integration, in this post i'm going to explore other, more human or societal, barriers.

To look at the global (or at least international) scale, internet usage figures are useful. I found some data from the International Telecommunications Union for the percentage of all countrie's population with internet access. With the intention of looking at how access has changed over time I've plotting these data as 4-year periodic histograms:

Histograms for percentage of population with internet access of all countries. Plotted with data from the International Telecommunications Union. Link here
So, on the horizontal axis are the bins for each 10 percent categories. For example if 46% of country X's population has access to the internet then country X will be counted in the 40% bin. The vertical axis show the total number of countries in each bin. If you add up all of the blue bars in each histogram you would get the total number of countries in the dataset (which is constant throughout the time period).

 What strikes me as interesting, is that the time-period 2008-2012 represents a monumental change in pace regarding the increased exposure of people to the internet. However the price of a laptop has been lowing exponentially as i found out here.....

Consumer price index for personal computers and peripheral equipment from 2005 to present. Global recession was experienced from 2007 to 2008. Plotted with data from the US department of Labour. Link here.

... and this means the the reduction in price of the average processor was lowest during 2008 to 2012 than it has been before. It is also interesting to note that a global recession occurred in 2007 - 2008. So, the reason why, all of a sudden, internet got much more wide-spread in this period remains a mystery.

It's also interesting, if not somewhat sad, that despite this progress, that internet access remains out of the reaches of the majority of the world's population.

The UK's Office for National Statistics pulls out some interesting numbers for Great Britain. In 2012, 21 million households in Great Britain (80%) had Internet access, compared with 19 million (77 per cent) in 2011. So, 205 of the UK households do not have in internet access. The reason's though for not having it are also interesting: Of the 5.2 million households without Internet access, the most common reason for not having a connection was that they 'did not need it' (54 per cent).

UK households with internet access. Before green dashed line data is from the UK and after it is for GB. Replotted using data from UK National Office for Statistics Internet Access Report 2012: link here.

I would like to break down this data but I cant find anymore information; the trail goes cold. So, I have to speculate as to why people would say they do not think they need it. As a proponent (generally speaking) of increased connectivity, I am inclined to interpret this as effectively saying that they 'do not understand it' fully (although this is understood to be reductive) - as the benefits to any demographic are myriad.

Additionally, only 67% of adults in Great Britain used a computer every day. This figure also strikes me as very low. GB is one of the countries for which use of computers is amongst the highest globally. This suggests there remains lot of of work to be done.

Directing attention back to the global scale, there is a huge disparity between the language in which the content on the internet is in and the native tongues of its users. In this diagram you can see that Chinese speakers represent almost a quarter of all internet users however in the 2nd diagram below you can make out that only 4% of internet content is in Chinese. 

Native languages of internet users. Plotted with data from the Web Technologies Survey. Link here.

Languages of internet content. Plotted with data from Internet World Stats. Link here.
This too strikes me as very strange. This implies that lot of the content on the internet is not accessible to a vast number of people even if they have an internet connection. So really, this illusion of global connectivity is false and what emerges is a highly skewed and unequal accessibility: especially for something that is deemed by the UN to be an essential human right.

Alot of work could be done with this data, far beyond that of the scope of this blog but in futures posts I may return to this to explore the spatial biases in these data in more depth.

For this post, perhaps more than any other, comments, interpretations etc. are hugely appreciated.


Wednesday, 27 November 2013


To date in this blog I've almost unreservedly proposed and expounded the benefits of integrating computational technology and automated systems into the natural and human world. In doing so, I've implied that this is universally possible and beneficial and that the utility will be felt worldwide. However, the reality is that there are barriers preventing everywhere and all from getting these benefits. In fact, there are places that are falling, or are likely to fall, victim to computational expansion.

The reasons why somewhere might not benefit fit from these technologies can be divided into 2 groups: geographical (i.e. spatial) and human (i.e. economic, social, and political) constraints.  Of course in reality there is considerable overlap between these two groups.

In this post I'm going to talk about a place that is not 'computationally' thriving as others are for predominately geographical (i.e. simply where they are on the globe) reasons. In a paired post, later in the week I will try to look at some examples of places where there are considerable 'barriers to entry' for human reasons.

My example case study that I want to talk about is Iqaluit, in Nunavut, Northern Canada. With a population of 6,700 people, Iqaluit is the largest settlement in Nunavut, itself the largest of the Canadian provinces. Nunavut is of an equivalent size to Mexico or Western Europe but has a population equivalent to Gibraltar. It is also the location of the world's most northerly fully inhabited settlement.

Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada.
Formalized as a settlement in 1942 as an American air base with a specific function of a cross-Atlantic refueling station, Iqaluit was for a long time known as Frobisher Bay. Before that, it was a traditional Inuit place of hunting for over 4,000 years. In 1940, the Hudson's Bay company relocated here and the settlement grew. In 1964, a community council was elected and in 1979 its first mayor was installed. Ever since then its population has steadily been rising and was chosen as the provinces capital in 1995. Its population is around 85% Inuit, the remaining 15% are predominately caucasian Canadians who migrate there for 3-4 years to take advantage of the high wages and skill deficit.  Despite being a monumental testament to human ability to live in extreme environments Iqaluit is in many ways lagging behind the rest of Canada.

Shooting hoops in front of Iqaluit's cathedral (left) and town hall (right)
Many of the technologies that underpin modernity and much of the advancements that humanity is making are themselves underpinned by access to the internet. Rapid communication of information results in profound and lasting changes. However, the position of Iqaluit, north of the 60th parallel and at the mouth of the Northwest Passage, means that laying fiber optics is simply unfeasible. As such, the only telecommunications option is satellite. This means that internet in Iqaluit is equivalent to that of the UK in the mid 1990s. They pay $30s a month for 45 hours of dial-up services. The effect of this is severely hampering.

Whilst personal access could easily be shrugged off as an unnecessary indulgence (after all, haven't we lived without internet for over 8000 years?), the effect on services is severe. Especially, when it is considered how much Nunavut is dependent upon Canada's greater infrastructure and resources situated 3,000 miles to the south.

Additionally mobile phone service is poor. It is often discussed and quoted how beneficial mobile telecommunications are to remote and developing parts of the world, for example Africa, but this is simply not feasible. In fact, the publishing of this post is very timely as on Saturday, Iqaluit will for the first time have a mobile phone service that has the capability to run smartphones.

Iqaluit has many huge problems surrounding issues of food requirements and food security. A large proportion of these could be solved, or improved, with the use of computational technology. Wakegijig et al. (2013) highlight how community members, all sorts of organisations, public servants and academics alike have long been describing the 'desperate situation for food security' in Nunavut. Defining food insecurity as when food systems and networks are such that food is not accessible and/or of sufficient quality, 70% of Nunavut's Inuit pre-schoolers live in food insecure homes. Wakegijig et al. highlight the absolute importance of strategic planning, advocacy, and public mobilisation to raise the profile of an issue and to solve it. Community engagement and action is difficult to organize today without internet access, especially when large, indoor public spaces are scare and outdoor spaces, to for example protest in, are difficult to occupy 80% of the year as Iqaluit is frozen and one doesn't want to be hanging around outside in -40 Celsius.

Food in Iqaluit comes from two sources. It is either hunted, or imported. Both of these are highly sensitive to climatic changes. Indeed, the recent warming trends have changed hunting and fishing grounds in ways that make regular hunting difficult. It is also not necessarily easy to predict these changes. For example, Inuit have for many, many years hunted caribou (also called Reindeer). With the recent warning trends they have had access to more grazing land and populations had flourished. However, this led to a relaxation in policy and over-hunting ensued. As such populations have now been devastated.

Importing food is costly. Having myself walked around the supermarket in Iqaluit, I have seen first hand how much food goes to waste because it is not bought. Many vegetables and other perishable goods are sent north and stocked. However, eating many of these things has never been a part of Inuit cooking so they remain unbought and go off. If internet access was more widely available, people could order the food they wanted thus costs could go down and waste could be reduced.

Samuelson (1998) found that the rapid population growth this coastal community has resulted in increased pressure on the (particularly sensitive) environment, and waste management issues have become increasingly complicated. There is severe contamination of fresh water: which is not an abundant resource as one might expect. Computational technology would dramatically improve this situation but it simply remains to be integrated because at them moment it is too expense to get the technology up there and build it rugged enough for the local environment.

Iqaluit also experiences many health problems. Cole and Healey (2013) outline the on-going challenge of providing health-care in the Canadian Arctic, specifically the region's capital. The truth is that Inuit culture and the vast geography of the region make things difficult. The great distances people must travel to get any form of specialized health care or diagnosis leads to a number of ethical dilemmas. One third of Nunavut health care budget is spent on moving people to a site that can provide them with the care that they need. The sort of simple optimization that computers can provide would dramatically improve this situation. Both in the fields of propagating information and finding better solutions to existing problems.

Iqaluit, and Nunavut more generally, has many social and health related problems.

Of course this is not an exhaustive list of the problems areas that integrating computational technology would be able to help out in. Iqaluit has two prisons for its population of under 7,000 people. Both of these are full, and a new one has just been commissioned. This is startling. Animals also play a huge role in the daily lives of individuals living here. The sort of help that automated tracking, for example of polar bears, could bring is monumental. 

Many of these problems wont be fixed anytime soon by computers. In many cases it is impossible to bring the sort of technologies that would help this far north due to environmental constraints, for example as is the case for fiber optics. In other cases, the fact that the population is so small makes it unlikely for projects to be commercially viable despite the profound importance of Iqaluit as the regions capital. As such, creative ways to solve these problems need to be composed.

 I've put the code to draw the map on the sister site. URL:

The photos are my own. If you would like to use them please email me and I can give you access to many more.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

They know you're about to put the kettle on before you do

One of the major technological innovations that defines how advanced civilizations are is their ability to control the flow of water. For examples one need not look far. The birth of sedentary communities and growth of agriculture came out of the innovation of irrigation. The Roman Empire's aqueducts allowed for unseen urban growth and standards of living. Today as renewable resources are being explored and instigated, hydroelectric power is an exciting component of modern infrastructure. In this post, I am going to explore an outline for another example of complete computational integration and operational management. From the 'upstream' [i.e. monitoring electricity requirements (current and potential) and environmental monitoring], to 'at the coal-face' [i.e. understanding how a river is running and a dam is working in real-time] and 'downstream' [i.e. looking at the effects of a system of this type].

Here as before, by operational management I'm talking about the real-time operations on a timeframe of minutes to hours, as opposed to tactical management (several days to weeks).

I'm going to explore this in reference to 2 case studies, the 2 largest hydroelectric dams on Earth:

Itaipu dam on the border between Brazil and Paraguay is the world's largest producer of hydro-electrical power. In 2012 it produced 98,287 GWh of electricity. Villwock et al. (2007) report that it opened in 1984 and in 1986 2200 monitoring instruments (e.g. peizometers, entensometers, pendulums, and flow gauges) were installed. These have been periodically collecting information about how the dam is functioning and the data is now a vast store of useful information. In 2007, the Itaipu company converted 210 of these to automatic data monitors collecting information in real-time around the clock.
Itaipu dam
The second case study is the Three Gorges over the Yangtze River in China. Although conceived in the 1920s, the dam opened in 2008. It stretches more than 2 km over the river and is 200 meters high. The reservoir behind the dam extends back 600 km. In 2012, the dam produced 91,100 GWh of electricity. It is one of the most monumental pieces of infrastructure ever built.
Three Gorges Dam

Producing such a vast amount of electricity both of these dams have undeniable benefits to society. However, both projects are controversial in regard to their effect on both the environment and society. Operating dams and infrastructure like these in the past has been done largely manually and based on periodically collected data. By integrating automatic data collectors and modelling they can be operated to a much higher degree of efficiency and these impacts can be reduced.

The first question to explore is how, in real and tangible terms, is automating the observation and operation of these dams beneficial. Well, to start with it would provide the ability to accurately forecast system behavior and requirements. Information relating to social variables such as the usage figures of the electricity allows the dam's turbines to be activated when required to avoid blackouts or unnecessary usage of water stored in the reservoir. Usage can be predicted too with models that can be fed back into the dams operation system. For example, imagine the Chinese Meteorological Agency's weather model predicts a snow-storm is coming, this can be fed into a model of the behavior of the Chinese population which might (again for example only) imply that this means people will be staying in, watching television, boiling lots of water for mugs of tea and turn on their heaters. Having this information, the dam can open and close its turbines to produced just the right amount of electricity at just the right time.

Secondly, these automated data monitors and models can notice faults and problems in the system much faster, on average, than would be recognized by human operators. So costs and system closures are reduced as they are fixed before they become major problems.

Thirdly, all this information is assembled in huge databases. These can then be mined, using machine learning algorithms and statistics, to identify the driving mechanics behind system behavior. For example, it might be identified that one of the major variables driving electricity requirement in the Itaipu dam is football match times.

The type of system I'm describing is called Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) by engineers. Maimon and Rokach (2010) describe them as consisting of a constant cycle of data collection processing, mining and result interpretation and evaluation. The effects of applying this type of system are profound. Electricity costs can be drastically reduced. Considering that energy cost are one of the largest single expenses (10 - 50%) in industrial processing, chemical plants, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, plastics, pulp, metal, mining and manufacturing, changes in energy costs will have a profound societal effect.

It could result in a much better service and resource allocation and a huge reduction in the environmental impact of large scale energy infrastructure projects. Both Itaipu and the Three Gorges dam have been the subject of much environmental criticism. Sun et al. (2012) describe the monumental consequences the Three Gorges has had on the downstream hydrological regime, wetlands and nearby lake basins. The Itaipu, for example, has been shown by Santos et al. (2008) to cause a huge problem for the migration of fish, and habitats for aquatic life. Of course, healthy fish depend upon habitat connectivity and suitable habitat feature. It is unavoidable that hydroelectric dams, especially on the scale of the Itaipu will effect the river flow regimes and thus the environmental system it operates within. However, by utilizing computational technology dam operation can be optimized to have the minimum environmental impact possible.

This sort of system can and should be integrated into all sorts of applications from power stations, to irrigation schemes, to transport infrastructure. And they are! It is now in vogue to invoke the term 'big data' and this refers to optimizing operations in exactly the way I'm exploring in these posts. However, one of the major issues to implementing these type of schemes to being able to act of what the data is telling you. The 'big data' trope came out of technology and internet companies that provide products with short life-cycles (mobile phones) and services that are easily changed (a website). Making adjustments of infrastructure is MUCH MORE difficult and working out how best to implement the lessons learnt from 'big data' is one of the major operational and managerial challenges of the coming decades.

I'm keenly aware that I have been proposing the benefits of no-holes-barred computation integration without really yet looking into potential adverse effects. In my next post, I will endeavor to resolve this.

As always, please leave comments, criticisms and suggestions below.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

The Transportable Array: difficult data observation

Last week marked an interesting point in the history of geology. It was announced in Nature that scientists had almost finished completely mapping the whole of the United States seismology in high resolution. 'The Transportable Array', a set of 400 seismometers (see below), has, since 2004, been moving across the country. Elements (stations) in the array are arranged at 70-kilometer intervals. Each one stays in the ground for 2 years before being dug up and moved to the easterly edge. In this way it has moved, over the last 9 years, across from the Pacific to the Atlantic recording observations 40 times per second. This data has provided the scientific community with an unparalleled opportunity to look at the Earth's crust. It has allowed scientists to construct images of the deep earth and trace big earthquakes' movements over the globe.

Comparing this project to the real-time monitoring of infrastructure or continuous monitoring to the planet's atmosphere by satellites, one could easily be underwhelmed. However, the point to be made through this example is that not every useful variable can be measured easily but that doesn't mean the data is less useful. This might seem like a facile observation but in reality financial resources tend to follow the path of least resistance and projects like this can easily be overlooked. Observing tectonic activity is notoriously difficult. It is also very expensive (the Transportable Array cost US$90 million). However, despite these constraints, long-term data collection projects like this one can be conceived and implemented to huge benefit to society at large not just the Ivory Tower.

Earthquake's continue to plague civilization. They are almost impossible to predict bar vague recurrence statistics. Projects like this can help us drastically improve our knowledge about what's going on under our feet. Similar projects, recording high-resolution data of difficult-to-pin-down variables, should not be swept under the rug.

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Thinking roads part 2. (..... in waiting .....)

I'm still playing around with using the real-time data to look at the road network in the UK. As I wrote that I would put something of this sort up by last friday I though I would direct those interested to a (albeit more technical) post doing the same thing while I fix the bugs in my code. I'm using Rich Wareham's code as a starting point for my things.

See this link here. 

******* Tuesday, 14th of January 2014 Note *********

I've just come back to this. I've been trying to get this code to work now for ages and have been emailing Rich Wareham but unfortunately I haven't been able to do it because some code needed has depreciated. I'm really sorry. The point I was trying to make is that you can plot the state of the road network at any given time in the UK as the government puts all the data online. It calculates this by looking at long long it takes car to travel certain distances. They do this using the cameras reading number plates! People clever than me can plot this data, here what Rich Wareham's looked like when he did it last summer: 

Again the link to his post is here.

And the link to where the data is put is here.